50 Contemporary Artificial Intelligence Leading Experts and Researchers

For those who like, love or are just interested or want to discover what is Artificial Intelligence, I have built this fine List of 50 Top Contemporary Artificial Intelligence Experts and...

EXCLUSIVE NEWS: A Monkey Speaking Like Humans!

A team of independent researchers in Tahiti with our CEO @pierrepinna have developed a system to make a monkey talk! Unimaginable! The story of this incredible discovery deserves to...

Employees worldwide prefer robots to preserve their mental health rather than their manager!

This Saturday, October 10 it's the World Mental Health Day. On this occasion I wanted to share with you a global Oracle study that is truly exceptional in its scope, concerning...

50 Top AI Ethics Influencers to Follow in 2020

Here’s a Fine List of 50 Top Global AI Ethics Influencers to Follow on Twitter in 2020 . This list is of course non exhaustive 😉 (This list is covering major Topics around AI Ethics, such...

An Overview of Bias in Aritificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been touted as the future of many industries, from healthcare to finance, and beyond. With its ability to process vast amounts of data...

5 Actual Big Data Uses That Make Our Life Better

The Big Data Revolution (with the help of Machine Learning , Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence) can transform our world in a "Big Brother Nightmare"... It could be......

Implications of AI and Robots on The Future of Work

An Interview by Rosy about the vision of the Future of Work, with our CEO, Pierre Pinna, AI engineer & New Technologies Manager. Rosy: Are people really afraid of...

Hurdles On The Road To Artificial General Intelligence

Deep Learning and generally Machine Learning seems to have reached their limits. Indeed, these techniques are based on recognizing patterns by training with Datas (generally Big Data)......


... when AI meets BIG DATA... : a Fine List of 20 Top World Artificial Intelligence & Big Data Experts to Follow on Twitter in 2017 . This list is...

Will Gattaca Become The Norm?

I wanted today to broadcast in English this excellent article, originally published in French by FIGAROVOX with Laurent Alexandre, on transhumanism, artificial intelligence, robots, and the "dark"...

Must Read

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