Urgent Explanation: Robots in 5 years
This Is An extract in English of Pierre Pinna's Interview on CNN Turkey. Original article in Turkish Language is there: https://www.cnnturk.com/ekonomi/urkuten-aciklama-robotlar-5-yil-icinde?page=1
IPFC Online Founder and CEO Pierre Pinna, one...
50 Top AI Ethics Influencers to Follow in 2020
Here’s a Fine List of 50 Top Global AI Ethics Influencers to Follow on Twitter in 2020 . This list is of course non exhaustive 😉
(This list is covering major Topics around AI Ethics, such...
Will Gattaca Become The Norm?
I wanted today to broadcast in English this excellent article, originally published in French by FIGAROVOX with Laurent Alexandre, on transhumanism, artificial intelligence, robots, and the "dark"...
Don’t miss the ” Women in AI Ethics ” Online Annual Event 2020!
Just a short article today (but no less important!) to highlight an exceptional initiative that will take place online on August 27, 2020: the "Women in AI...
Here's a Fine List of 50 Top Global Artificial Intelligence Experts & Influencers to Follow in 2018.
Important Note: Because it's hard to compare enormous structures with other companies or individual...
Employees worldwide prefer robots to preserve their mental health rather than their manager!
This Saturday, October 10 it's the World Mental Health Day. On this occasion I wanted to share with you a global Oracle study that is truly exceptional in its scope, concerning...
Machine Learning Driving AI to its Intelligent Industrial Revolution
As we know we are living in an era of technology that contains massive amount of information. Humans need a new way to process and utilize this...
Don’t miss ” 100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics™ ” Summit on December 3...
I wouldlike to highlight today a spectacular and really exceptional initiative that will take place online on December 3-5 2020: the " 100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics™ Summit ", organized...
The Evolution of The Internet of Things
Let things become intelligent!
Infographic source: Casaleggio
Stop Blaming AI : Humans Don’t Need Robots To Destroy Themselves!
For a long time now we have not stopped reading that robots will destroy us, that they will take our jobs and more generally that they will...