Here’s a Fine List of 50 Top Global AI Ethics Influencers to Follow on Twitter in 2020 [ranked by our home made algorithm]. This list is of course non exhaustive 😉
(This list is covering major Topics around AI Ethics, such as: Human-Centered AI, Bias in Machine Learning/Deep Learning & Algorithms, Women In Tech/Gender Equity, Diversity/Inclusion, Autonomous Vehicles, Automation & Future of Work, Wealth Inequality, Robots/Bots/Chatbots, Data Privacy/Surveillance/Cyber Security, Regtech, Singularity…)
The ‘Authority Score’ in this list is a mix of online and also “real life” engagement. (“Giant” companies are not in this list because they don’t “play the same game” ;=)
- Fei-Fei Li Twitter: @drfeifei | SCORE: 100
- Mia Shah-Dand Twitter: @MiaD | SCORE: 99.6
- Theo – 劉䂀曼 Twitter: @psb_dc | SCORE: 99.4
- Joanna J Bryson Twitter: @j2bryson | SCORE: 88.1
- Spiros Margaris Twitter: @SpirosMargaris | SCORE: 87.5
- Pinna Pierre Twitter: @pierrepinna | SCORE: 77.1
- Sally Eaves Twitter: @sallyeaves | SCORE: 76.9
- Maria Luciana Axente Twitter: @maria_axente | SCORE: 62.9
- ipfconline Twitter: @ipfconline1 | SCORE: 58.5
- AI Imtiaz Adam Twitter: @DeepLearn007 | SCORE: 58.4
- Women Who Code Twitter: @WomenWhoCode | SCORE: 58.2
- Dr. ir Johannes Drooghaag Twitter: @DrJDrooghaag | SCORE: 57.2
- Sarbjeet Johal Twitter: @sarbjeetjohal | SCORE: 56.5
- Women in Technology Twitter: @womenintech | SCORE: 55.9
- Roxana Nasoi (The Hat) Tw: @roxanasoi | SCORE: 55.3
- Cassie Kozyrkov Twitter: @quaesita | SCORE: 54.7
- Dr Katharine Kemp Twitter: @Katharine_Kemp | SCORE: 54.6
- Jevan Hutson Twitter: @jevanhutson | SCORE: 54.1
- Dorothea Baur Twitter: @DorotheaBaur | SCORE: 51.2
- Nige Willson Twitter: @nigewillson | SCORE: 49.4
- Antonio Vieira Santos Twitter: @akwyz | SCORE: 49.2
- Alaric Aloor Twitter: @AlaricAloor | SCORE: 49.0
- Ada Lovelace Institute Twitter: @AdaLovelaceInst | SCORE: 48.8
- Virginia Dignum Twitter: @vdignum | SCORE: 48.2
- Marc R Gagné MAPP Twitter: @OttLegalRebels | SCORE: 46.5
- Lighthouse3 Twitter: @lh3com | SCORE: 45.3
- Hessie Jones Twitter: @hessiejones | SCORE: 44.7
- Meredith Broussard Twitter: @merbroussard | SCORE: 44.1
Kirk Borne Twitter: @KirkDBorne | SCORE: 42.4
- Danielle Guzman Twitter: @guzmand | SCORE: 41.1
- Andreas Staub Twitter: @andi_staub | SCORE: 41.0
- Brian Ahier Twitter: @ahier | SCORE: 40.8
- Sasha Costanza-Chock Twitter: @schock | SCORE: 40.6
- Bill Mew Twitter: @BillMew | SCORE: 37.1
- Dr Naeema Pasha Twitter: @naeema_pasha | SCORE: 32.0
- Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon Twitter: @aimafidon | SCORE: 30.0
- David J. Gunkel Twitter: @David_Gunkel | SCORE: 29.4
- Blakeley H. Payne Twitter: @BlakeleyHPayne | SCORE: 28.8
- Bernard Marr Twitter: @BernardMarr | SCORE: 28.8
- theCUBE Twitter: @theCUBE | SCORE: 28.2
- KayFirth-Butterfield Twitter: @KayFButterfield | SCORE: 27.1
- Nadia Abouayoub Twitter: @NadiaAbouayoub | SCORE: 26.5
- Martin Spencer Twitter: @GrandpaRobot | SCORE: 26.4
- Buse Çetin Twitter: @BuseCett | SCORE: 26.4
- Dr. Marcell Vollmer Twitter: @mvollmer1 | SCORE: 23.5
- Terence Mills Twitter: @terence_mills | SCORE: 22.9
- Ben Dickson Twitter: @bendee983 | SCORE: 21.8
- Vincent C. Müller Twitter: @VincentCMueller | SCORE: 21.2
- Valentine Goddard Twitter: @vavacolor | SCORE: 18.8
- Dagmar Monett Twitter: @dmonett | SCORE: 18.8
very good post
Good post
Thanks Daniel!
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thanks for sharing 🙂