Here’s is our 2022 edition of 50 Top Global Digital Influencers to Follow on Twitter in 2022 [ranked by our home made algorithm]. This list is of course non exhaustive.

04/02/2022 Update

(This list is covering major Topics around the global economic & technical Digital Transformation, such as: Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Deep Learning, AI Ethics, IoT (Internet of Things)IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things), Autonomous VehiclesDigital & Health TechCloud & Edge ComputingSmart CitiesRobots/Bots/Chatbots, The Future of WorkData ScienceFintech, Insurtech, DevOps, Edtech, Cyber Security, VR & AR, Sustainablity, Environment, Blockchain …)

The ‘Authority Score’ in this list is a mix of online & also “real life” engagement. (“Giant” companies are not in this list because they obviuosly don’t “play the same game” ;=)

Hope you’ll enjoy this list (the ranking here is in fact not important, the important things are the ideas, knowledge, and insights shared by the experts & influencers there).

Take care, and stay all safe & healthy.

  1. Eric Topol Twitter: @EricTopol | SCORE: 100 | Health Tech – Digital Transformation
  2. Yann LeCun Twitter: @ylecunSCORE: 93.5 | AI – Machine Learning
  3. François Chollet Twitter: @fchollet | SCORE: 85.3 AI – Machine Learning
  4. Lex Fridman Twitter: @lexfridman | SCORE: 85.0 | Tech – AI – Machine Learning
  5. Andrew Ng Twitter: @AndrewYNg | SCORE: 81.2 | AI – Machine Learning
  6. Marc Benioff Twitter: @Benioff | SCORE: 80.0 | Digital Transformation
  7. Imtiaz Adam Twitter: @DeepLearn007 | SCORE: 77.5 | AI – Machine Learning
  8. Antonio Grasso Twitter: @antgrasso SCORE: 75.2 | Digital Transformation
  9. J-Baptiste Lefevre Twitter: @jblefevre60 | SCORE: 75.0 | Digital Transformation
  10. Evan Kirstel Twitter: @evankirstel | SCORE: 71.8 | Digital Transformation
  11. Spiros Margaris Twitter: @SpirosMargaris SCORE: 68.5 | Fintech – AI
  12. Kirk Borne Twitter: @KirkDBorne | SCORE: 68.3 | AI – Data Science – Big Data
  13. Geoffrey Hinton Twitter: @geoffreyhinton | SCORE: 64.9 AI – Machine Learning
  14. KdNuggets Twitter: @kdnuggets | SCORE: 64.5 | AI – Data Science – Big Data
  15. Mia Dand Twitter: @MiaD | SCORE: 64.0 |  AI Ethics
  16. Sally Eaves Twitter: @sallyeaves | SCORE: 63.2 | Digital Transformation
  17. Fei-Fei Li Twitter: @drfeifei | SCORE: 63.1 | AI – Machine Learning
  18. Theo Twitter: @psb_dc | SCORE: 63.1 | Fintech – Digital Transformation – Ethics
  19. Ronald van Loon Twitter: @Ronald_vanLoon | SCORE: 63.0 | Digital Transformation
  20. ipfconline Twitter: @ipfconline1 | SCORE: 62.9 | Digital Transformation – AI
  21. Johannes Drooghaag Twit.: @DrJDrooghaag | SCORE: 62.8 | Cyber Security
  22. Pinna Pierre Twitter: @pierrepinna | SCORE: 62.5 | AI Ethics – Digital Transformation
  23. Andreas Staub Twit.: @andi_staub | SCORE: 62.4 | Fintech – Digital Transformation
  24. Jim Marous Twitter: @JimMarous | SCORE: 62.1 | Fintech – Digital Transformation
  25. Danielle Guzman Twitter: @guzmand | SCORE: 59.8 | Digital Transformation
  26. Shira Rubinoff Twitter:  @Shirastweet | SCORE: 58.6 | Cyber Security
  27. Antonio Vieira Santos Twitter: @akwyz | SCORE: 58.5 | Digital Transformation
  28. Brett King Twitter: @BrettKing SCORE: 58.3 | Fintech
  29. Data Science Central  Twitter: @analyticbridge | SCORE: 57.8 | AI – Data Science
  30. Bob E. Hayes Twitt.: @bobehayes | SCORE: 57.6 | Data Science – Machine Learning
  31. Simon Cocking T: @SimonCocking | SCORE: 57.3 | Tech Sustainablity – Environment
  32. Nicolas Babin Twitter: @Nicochan33 | SCORE: 57.1 | Digital Transformation – AI
  33. Harold Sinnott Twitter: @HaroldSinnott | SCORE: 57.0 | Digital Transformation
  34. John Nosta Twitter: @johnnosta | SCORE: 55.8 | Health Tech
  35. Linda Grasso Twitter: @LindaGrass0 | SCORE: 55.5 | Digital Transformation
  36. Mario Pawlowski Twitter: @PawlowskiMario SCORE: 55.5 | Digital Transformation
  37. Shi4Tech Twitter: @Shi4Tech SCORE: 55.5 | Digital Transformation – Tech For Good
  38. Marcell Vollmer Twitter: @mvollmer1 SCORE: 55.5 | Digital Transformation
  39. Dean of Big Data Twitter: @schmarzo | SCORE: 55.5 | Data Science – Big Data – AI
  40. Xavier Gomez  Twitter: @Xbond49 | SCORE: 54.7 | Fintech – Insurtech – AI
  41. Tamara McCleary Twitter: @TamaraMcCleary | SCORE: 54.5 | Digital Transformation
  42. Helene Li Twitter: @helene_wpli | SCORE: 54.5 | Digital Transformation
  43. Dr. Robin Kiera Twitter: @stratorob | SCORE: 54.3 | Fintech – Insurtech
  44. Ludmila Morozova-Buss Twitter: @TopCyberNews | SCORE: 53.8 | Cyber Security
  45. Brian Ahier Twitter: @ahier | SCORE: 53.8 | Health Tech – Digital Transformation
  46. Terence Mills Twitter: @terence_mills | SCORE: 52.3 | AI – Machine Learning
  47. Roxana Nasoi (The Hat)Twitter: @roxananasoi | SCORE: 52.0 | Cybersecurity Privacy
  48. Maria Luciana Axente Twitter: @maria_axente | SCORE: 51.9 | AI Ethics
  49. Marsha Collier Twi.: @MarshaCollier | SCORE: 51.7 | Digital Transformation Marketing
  50. Irma Rastegayeva Twitter: @irmaraste | SCORE: 50.6 | Health Tech

And we absolutely wanted to include in this list someone who is for us (and we hope for lot of others) just “Hall Of Fame” there, for her commitment and courage in the fair and so critical fight for a responsible and ethical Artificial Intelligence,  and this person is obviously Timnit Gebru [@timnitGebru]. Thanks Timnit!

  Timnit Gebru


We analyzed on stochastic samples the keywords mentioned at the beginning of the article (the fields of digital transformation) on Internet and Twitter between November 2020 and October 2021. This analysis was done using a home made NLP algorithm written by our team, mainly in Prolog (yes, there are still people who use Prolog ;). The main structure of the algorithm is a decision tree and so the AI here is “symbolic” because Prolog is a programming language based on mathematical logic. Thus it allows very simple queries to be made in natural “human” language. This choice was made to obtain a high interpretability of the results obtained by the analysis. Here there are also humans in the loop (our team obviously in this case) to establish weights on the decision trees (for example the weight of tech events – the CES in Las Vegas was weighted at 100/100 due to its importance). Biases, as with any algorithm, are certainly present here but we tried to reduce them to a minimum. Concerning Twitter, we took into account the potential reach and the engagement.


Pierre Pinna
IPFConline Digital Innovations CEO & Speaker Artificial Intelligence Engineer (Natural Language Processing Specialist) Economics of Innovation & most of all: responsible AI must be the norm! And I'll be there to advocate it!