Here’s a Fine List of 50 Top Global Digital Influencers to Follow on Twitter in 2018 (V. 3)[ranked by their Moz+Klout Social Scores]. This list is of course non exhaustive 😉
04/2018 Update
(This list is covering major Topics around the global economic and technical Digital Transformation, such as: Digital Marketing/SEO, Social Media Marketing, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, IoT (Internet of Things), IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things), Algorithms, Neural Networks, Autonomous Vehicles, Digital Health, Cloud, Smart Cities, Automation, Robotics, Robots/Bots/Chatbots, Future of Work, Data Science, Big Data, Analytics, Fintech, Insurtech, DevOps, Edtech, Cyber Security…)
The ‘Authority Score’ in this list is just the average of Moz and Klout Social Authority scores with no modification at all. (“Giant” companies are not in this list because they don’t “play the same game” ;=)
- Evan Kirstel Twitter: @evankirstel | SCORE: 85
- Maria Bartiromo Twitter: @MariaBartiromo | SCORE: 84
- Marc Benioff Twitter: @Benioff | SCORE: 83.5
- Andreas M. Antonopoulos Twitter: @aantonop | SCORE: 83.5
- Vitalik Buterin Twitter: @VitalikButerin | SCORE: 83
- Ronald van Loon Twitter: @Ronald_vanLoon | SCORE: 83
- Mike Quindazzi Twitter: @MikeQuindazzi | SCORE: 83
- ipfconline Twitter: @ipfconline1 | SCORE: 83
- Dez Blanchfield Twitter: @dez_blanchfield | SCORE: 81.5
- AI Twitter: @DeepLearn007 | SCORE: 81.5
- J-Baptiste Lefevre Twitter: @jblefevre60 | SCORE: 81.5
- Michael Fisher Twitter: @Fisher85M | SCORE: 81.5
- Antonio Grasso Twitter: @antgrasso | SCORE: 81.5
- Social Media Today Twitter: @socialmedia2day | SCORE: 81
- Marsha Collier Twitter: @MarshaCollier | SCORE: 81
- Kirk Borne Twitter: @KirkDBorne | SCORE: 81
- Vala Afshar Twitter: @ValaAfshar | SCORE: 80.5
- Spiros Margaris Twitter: @SpirosMargaris | SCORE: 80.5
- Tamara McCleary Twitter: @TamaraMcCleary | SCORE: 80
- Jim Marous Twitter: @JimMarous | SCORE: 80
- Christine Boursin Twitter: @chboursin | SCORE: 80
- Jeff Bullas Twitter: @jeffbullas | SCORE: 79
- Roger Ver Twitter: @rogerkver | SCORE: 79
- Brian Ahier Twitter: @ahier | SCORE: 79
- Andreas Staub Twitter: @andi_staub | SCORE: 79
- Theo Twitter: @psb_dc | SCORE: 79
- Fred Wilson Twitter: @fredwilson | SCORE: 79
- Andrew Ng Twitter: @AndrewYNg | SCORE: 78.5
- John Rampton Twitter: @johnrampton | SCORE: 78
- Maria Johnsen Twitter: @iMariaJohnsen | SCORE: 78
- Brian Solis Twitter: @briansolis | SCORE: 77.5
- Tiffany Hayden Twitter: @haydentiff | SCORE: 77.5
- A. Schmitt Financial Services Twitter: @BourseetTrading | SCORE: 77.5
- Eric Schmidt Twitter: @ericschmidt | SCORE: 77
- Shep Hyken Twitter: @Hyken | SCORE: 77
- Rebekah Radice Twitter: @RebekahRadice | SCORE: 77
- Erik Voorhees Twitter: @ErikVoorhees | SCORE: 76.5
- Don Tapscott Twitter: @dtapscott | SCORE: 76.5
- Cloud Expo Twitter: @CloudExpo | SCORE: 76.5
- Sally Eaves Twitter: @sallyeaves | SCORE: 76.5
- Pinna Pierre Twitter: @pierrepinna | SCORE: 76.5
- Helene Li Twitter: @helene_wpli | SCORE: 76.5
- Neal Schaffer Twitter: @NealSchaffer | SCORE: 75.5
- KdNuggets Twitter: @kdnuggets | SCORE: 75.5
- Thomas Power Twitter: @ThomasPower | SCORE: 75
- Avinash Kaushik Twitter: @avinash | SCORE: 75
- Shira Rubinoff Twitter: @Shirastweet | SCORE: 75
- FlashTweet Twitter: @FlashTweet | SCORE: 75
- Carolina Rudinschi, PhD Twitter: @IIoT_World | SCORE: 75
- Danielle Guzman Twitter: @guzmand | SCORE: 75
And, for being just behind this Top, Special Mentions to: @Sam___Hurley @TopCyberNews @dinisguarda @TheMrFave (*) @IoTRecruiting (*) @neilpatel @ArnaultChatel @simonlporter @CMIContent @Kevin_Jackson @BrettKing @GlenGilmore @SeverineLienard @growurstartup @AntonioSelas @PetiotEric @cgledhill @jowyang @DataScienceCtrl @OttLegalRebels @JohnNosta @WarrenWhitlock @Tiffani_Bova @bobehayes @DavidBrin @Xbond49 @schmarzo @DBaker007 @gp_pulipaka @sbmeunier @dhinchcliffe @nigelwalsh @YvesMulkers @BigDataGal @ShellyKramer @antoniopescape @KhalidHamdan0 @jhagel @sandy_carter @rwang0 @demishassabis @stratorob @FGraillot @obussmann @DiegoKuonen @BernardMarr @Datafloq @neirajones @ylecun @drfeifei @alexjc @j2bryson @JoannMoretti @bedfordcj @CharlieShrem (* Hoping these accounts will be back online soon)
Influencers have the power to alter deep-rooted perceptions, brand loyalty and implement the seeds of new ideas and behaviours. This marketing influencer list is useful for all of digital marketers!