Here’s a Fine List of 50 Top World Digital Experts to Follow on Twitter in 2017 [ranked by their Moz Social Score]. This list is of course non exhaustive 😉
(This list is covering major Topics around the global economic and technical Digital Transformation, such as: Digital Marketing/SEO, Social Media Marketing, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, IoT (Internet of Things), IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things), Algorithms, Neural Networks, Autonomous Vehicles, Digital Health, Cloud, Smart Cities, Automation, Robotics, Robots/Bots/Chatbots, Future of Work, Data Science, Big Data, Analytics, Fintech, Insurtech, DevOps, Edtech, Cyber Security…)
The ‘Authority Score’ in this list is just the Moz Social Authority score with no modification at all.
- Business Insider Twitter: @businessinsider | SCORE: 92
- TechCrunch Twitter: @TechCrunch | SCORE: 91
- World Economic Forum Twitter: @wef | SCORE: 91
- Marsha Collier Twitter: @MarshaCollier | SCORE: 90
- AI Twitter: @DeepLearn007 | SCORE: 88
- J-Baptiste Lefevre Twitter: @jblefevre60 | SCORE: 88
- ipfconline Twitter: @ipfconline1 | SCORE: 87
- CloudEXPO Twitter: @CloudExpo | SCORE: 87
- Evan Kirstel Twitter: @evankirstel | SCORE: 86
- Mike Quindazzi Twitter: @MikeQuindazzi | SCORE: 86
- Maria Johnsen Twitter: @iMariaJohnsen | SCORE: 86
- Bill McCabe Twitter: @IoTRecruiting | SCORE: 85
- Spiros Margaris Twitter: @SpirosMargaris | SCORE: 85
- Dez Blanchfield Twitter: @dez_blanchfield | SCORE: 85
- Sam Hurley 😎 💻 Twitter: @Sam___Hurley | SCORE: 84
- MIT Tech Review Twitter: @techreview | SCORE: 83
- Social Media Today Twitter: @socialmedia2day | SCORE: 83
- Ronald van Loon Twitter: @Ronald_vanLoon | SCORE: 83
- Tamara McCleary Twitter: @TamaraMcCleary | SCORE: 82
- Neal Schaffer Twitter: @NealSchaffer | SCORE: 82
- Kirk Borne Twitter: @KirkDBorne | SCORE: 81
- FlashTweet Twitter: @FlashTweet | SCORE: 81
- Jim Marous Twitter: @Jim Marous | SCORE: 80
- HealthIT Policy Twitter: @HITpol | SCORE: 80
- Jeff Bullas Twitter: @jeffbullas | SCORE: 80
- Christine Boursin Twitter: @chboursin | SCORE: 80
- Severine Lienard Twitter: @SeverineLienard | SCORE: 80
- Data Science Central Twitter: @DataScienceCtrl | SCORE: 79
- Duane Baker Twitter: @DBaker007 | SCORE: 78
- Ludmila MorozovaBuss Twitter: @TopCyberNews | SCORE: 78
- Brian Ahier Twitter: @ahier | SCORE: 77
- TechRepublic Twitter: @TechRepublic | SCORE: 77
- Andreas Staub Twitter: @andi_staub | SCORE: 77
- Danielle Guzman Twitter: @guzmand | SCORE: 77
- Dell Twitter: @Dell | SCORE: 77
- Theo Twitter: @psb_dc | SCORE: 77
- Glen Gilmore Twitter: @GlenGilmore | SCORE: 77
- Marc R Gagné MAPP Twitter: @OttLegalRebels | SCORE: 77
- Dr. GP Pulipaka Twitter: @gp_pulipaka | SCORE: 77
- Simon Porter Twitter: @simonlporter | SCORE: 77
- KDnuggets Twitter: @kdnuggets | SCORE: 76
- Fabienne Billat Twitter: @fadouce | SCORE: 76
- Pinna Pierre Twitter: @pierrepinna | SCORE: 76
- Patrice Truong Twitter: @PatriceTruong | SCORE: 76
- 7wData Twitter: @7wData | SCORE: 76
- Oracle Twitter: @Oracle | SCORE: 75
- Content Marketing Twitter: @CMIContent | SCORE: 75
- Andrew Ng Twitter: @AndrewYNg | SCORE: 75
- Rebekah Radice Twitter: @RebekahRadice | SCORE: 75
- GrowthHackers Twitter: @GrowthHackers | SCORE: 75
[…] Fine List of 50 Top World Digital Experts to Follow in 2017 [with @Moz Social Score] […]